Columbia Neighbors: Shop & Dine Local

Columbia Neighbors' Shop & Dine Local Directory supports locally-owned restaurants, stores, and other businesses that provide jobs and economic stimulus in the neighborhoods where they're based. 

If you'd like your locally owned business included in the directory, please contact [email protected] with your business name, address, phone number, and website link.

Recent Stories

Learn more about the stories behind the entrepreneurs and businesses that make Uptown unique.

Check out this list of four locally owned businesses to support on Small Business Saturday—and all year long.

The community gem is one of the oldest artisanal bakeries in Harlem.

Dive into the story behind the beloved East Harlem gem that will be one of the vendors at Manhattanville Community Day on May 20.

Learn about the inspiration behind the juice brand ahead of Manhattanville Community Day on May 20.

We’ve rounded up a list of sweet escapes that are part of Harlem's ice cream renaissance ahead of National Ice Cream Day.

What better way to kick off 2022 than by supporting local businesses and getting caffeinated?