Making Connections
Columbia Neighbors is where the university connects with its local community, its new friends and neighbors, anyone who looks to the diversity of ideas and experiences in our community and sees the possibility for shared growth, being of service, and connection.
Neighbors is part resource guide, part community news and storytelling hub, part gathering place. It is for everyone in the communities surrounding our campuses in Upper Manhattan.
In addition to original storytelling about things that may be of interest to our community, Neighbors gathers stories, resources, and events from across Columbia, including the Office of Government and Community Affairs, the CUIMC Office of Government and Community Affairs, and the hundreds of programs across the university that are available to community members at no cost.
Learn more
Here's a video introduction that gives a little taste of what Columbia Neighbors is all about.
Stay Connected
Whether by email, phone call, social media, or one of our newsletter products, we'd love to stay connected with you and hear what you're working on. Below, find several different ways to stay in contact.
Columbia Neighbors sends a weekly newsletter on Wednesdays. It's chock full of program information, community stories, and events you'll want to take part in. Once a month, we also include a printable flyer, called the Bulletin, in both English and Spanish, which you can share widely.
Neighbors Newsletter
Twice a year Columbia Neighbors compiles a print brochure, called the Neighbors Newsletter, with recent program updates and happenings at Columbia University for our surrounding community. If you'd like to have the next edition mailed to you or your organization, fill out the form below.
Monthly, Neighbors produces a one-page printable PDF in English and Spanish, called Bulletin/Boletín, which provides short news stories and a quick listing of events that might be of interest to the community.
Share Your News & Events With Us

Have a local event you'd like to share on Neighbors? Share with us through the button below and we'll work to distribute it across our channels.
Is there a community happening, story, or person you think we should cover? Email [email protected].