
Video Tours

Our Commitment to Community

Columbia University has a long-standing history of working together with our local community, and as we build our Manhattanville campus. Check out a few programs developed just for our neighbors, and see the full list at our Programs and Resources Directory.

Two major agreements codify the University's commitment to new investment in our local community. They are the Community Benefits Agreement, in partnership with the West Harlem Development Corporation, and the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions with Empire State Development.

A Rich History

125th Street looking NW from Broadway to Riverside Drive viaduct, circa 2003
125th Street looking NW from Broadway to Riverside Drive viaduct, circa 2003
An Overview

Start here to get an overview of the history of Manhattanville. From a century ago when Manhattanville was a bustling port and rail cargo hub to now where the campus has opened up with new public spaces, food and retail businesses, and educational opportunities for both students and neighbors.

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Sheffield Farms

To commemorate the rich history of Manhattanville, Columbia has developed an exhibit called Sheffield Farms, the Milk Industry, and the Public Good. It's part of a broader understanding of this once-thriving industrial area. The exhibit can be explored online or by visiting the Nash Building.

panorama of campus
President Bollinger’s Vision

Take a look at the process behind how an idea became a reality in West Harlem. Starting with when the University began working with leaders in West Harlem to develop a long-term and thoughtfully designed campus plan to the developing campus we have today.

Stay Connected

Get the latest updates from the Neighbors E-News, which also includes our monthly bulletin and also sign up for Construction Updates to stay informed on our progress.