WHDC Awards $500,000 in Special COVID-19 Impact Grants

Bashar Makhay
July 01, 2020

On June 1, the West Harlem Development Corporation (WHDC) announced a Special COVID-19 Impact RFP that would grant $500,000 to Harlem-based nonprofit organizations located in Manhattan Community District 9 (MCD9). The expedited two-week application period ended on June 15 with the WHDC receiving 43 applications.

Grant requests ranged from $15,000 to $50,000 each and focused on addressing the impact of COVID-19 on residents of MCD9 over the next four months. Areas of focus include: health & human services, economic development, education, housing, and employment.

On June 30, the WHDC Board Chair, the Honorable Judge Milton Tingling, announced that 18 organizations would receive the grants. The list of the 18 Special COVID-19 Impact Grants Awardees can be found on the WHDC website.

The West Harlem Development Corporation (WHDC) was established to implement the deliverables and expectations of the May 18, 2009 Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) between Columbia University and West Harlem Local Development Corporation. 
