
Past Event

Optimal Aging and Intergenerational Support Systems

December 4, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Earl Hall, 2980 Broadway, New York, NY 10027 Auditorium

IN PERSON: Earl Hall Auditorium

VIRTUAL: Zoom link will be sent 24 hours before the event

Columbia Bundles Community Scholar Chris Lawrence works to find practical ways to support seniors in order to offer them more flourishing, resilient and hopeful living through persistent advocacy on their behalf and a person-focused approach to deep listening and companionship. He will lead a discussion of current and potential inter-generational work to address and meet the demands of an increasingly large aging population. 


Chris Lawrence, CU Bundles Community Scholar and Community Chaplain with InnerCHANGE East Harlem

John Robertson, Special Lecturer in Social Work, CU

Dr. Mark Nathanson, geriatric psychiatrist CUIMC

Daniel David, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing and National Palliative Care Center

Janna Heyman, Professor and Endowed Chair of the Henry C. Ravazzin Center on Aging and Intergenerational Studies at Fordham University

Janicia Hyde, Vista on 5th

Stephen Cheung, Pastor, Trinity Heights Church


For questions, contact George Calderaro ([email protected]).


Registration for this event closes on December 2nd at 6:00 PM or when capacity is reached.

Registered guests must enter campus at the Broadway and 116th St. Gate and allow additional time for campus access and event check-in. Guests who have not registered in advance and do not have an active Columbia University ID (CUID) will not be permitted on campus. Upon arrival, all registered guests must show:

  • CUID holders: a government-issued ID and active CUID
  • Non-CUID holders: a government-issued ID and the QR code issued by CU Guest Access prior to the event. This QR code is valid only for this event and the name must match that on the guest’s government-issued ID.

Please email [email protected] with questions regarding campus access.


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School of Professional Studies