
Past Event

Columbia Center for Community Health: Family Health & Fun Fair

July 21, 2024
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Event time is displayed in your time zone.
The Forum: 605 W 125th St.

Columbia’s Center for Community Health (CCCH) is pleased to announce their Family Health and Fun Fair event.

CCCH is hosting a fun and interactive health event to provide education on cardiovascular disease, identify risks (by providing various on the spot health screenings such as blood pressure checks, blood sugar checks, cholesterol level checks and etc.), and provide free resources and tools that can help promote a healthy lifestyle and change the health outcomes of our community.

Health screenings will be available for the whole family, including:

  • Blood Pressure Screening
  • Dental Screening
  • Glucose/A1C testing and more

Children and teens can engage in immersive and interactive activities like:

  • Free CPR Training
  • Balloon Art/ Face Painting
  • EMS Ambulance Tour
  • Free popcorn, fair games, and free prizes/give aways

There's plenty more at the fair including free food, a live exercises class, give aways, food demonstrations, entertainment, and much more. 

Event Contact Information
You can contact the event organizer on Eventbrite.

CCCH poster.